Release: Audits Reports on BCIT's Software Procurement Process

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD – City Auditor Josh Pasch presented a Biennial Performance Audit for Baltimore City’s Information & Technology (BCIT) office to the Board of Estimates at its November 16th meeting.

Audits found that while BCIT has established a software procurement process, but there are still risks that could lead to the city acquiring redundant or unnecessary software. The performance review covers fiscal years 2020 and 2019. 

The audit noted that while BCIT established an IT software procurement review in October 2020 there are still risks in the process. These risks include agencies bypassing the IT procurement review process; agencies procuring duplicate applications which would increase costs that can be spread over other software; and a lack of consistency, compliance, and continuity in the IT procurement review process.

In its recommendations Audits included that BCIT should:   

  • Use Workday to help reduce the risk of agencies bypassing BCIT’s IT procurement review process
  • Notify the Director of Department of Finance to modify the audit of monthly P-card statements to include software procurement transactions
  • Develop a complete inventory of all business-critical applications; and establish the formal City-wide policies outlining the roles and responsibilities.
  • Update the Administrative Manual concerning applications

BCIT has agreed with Audit’s findings and has committed to implementing these changes by May 2024.

Audits also reviewed its findings from BCIT’s 2018-2017 Performance Audit, and noted that BCIT has implemented all recommendations.

“I’d like to thank BCIT for their work and cooperation,” Comptroller Bill Henry said. “Committing to modernization is important. BCIT understands the balance between moving forward with new technology and making sure that the process is efficient and secure.”

The audit is available on the Comptroller's website


The Department of Audits (DOA) is the city's independent auditor, providing various audits, attestation engagements, and assurance services with the overall goal of improving government accountability.

The DOA, pursuant to Article V § 11, performs biennial audits of agencies. In 2022, this includes the Baltimore Police Department, the Health Department, the Department of Recreation and Parks, the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Law, Department of Transportation, the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, and the Baltimore City Information & Technology.

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