Release: Board of Estimates to Host Annual Taxpayers’ Night

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD – Baltimore City’s Board of Estimates (BOE) is inviting residents to learn more about the Mayor’s proposed budget at the annual Taxpayers’ Night. This special meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 26th at 6pm in Baltimore City Hall and via Webex. It will include a presentation on the Fiscal 2024 Preliminary Budget from Budget Director Laura Larsen and an overview of the Capital Budget from the Department of Planning. After the presentation, residents are invited to give testimony on their budget priorities.

In addition to visiting City Hall, members of the public can attend virtually via Webex or watch on Channel 25/ This is the second year the BOE will be conducting the meeting in a hybrid format.

Members of the public that plan on attending the event in person are strongly encouraged to RSVP ahead of time. This will help us accommodate accessibility or space concerns.

RSVP for Taxpayer's Night!


Residents can share testimony with the Board of Estimates the following ways:

  • In person. Sign up at Taxpayers’ Night on the second floor of City Hall, outside of the BOE room.
  • Virtual. Save your seat and/or submit testimony ahead of time on BBMR's website. Sign up closes at 5pm on Monday, April 25th - the day BEFORE the meeting.
  • Telephone. Call us at 410-396-7073 and leave a message by April 26th.


  • In person. BOE meetings are held on the second floor of City Hall in the Hyman Pressman Board Room. The public is encouraged to arrive early to allow time for security screenings. There is a maximum capacity of 74 persons in the Board of Estimates room. Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, is required to wear a mask at Taxpayers’ Night.
  • Virtual. To join virtually, follow the Webex link:
  • Telephone. Call +1-408-418-9388 to listen in.


The Fiscal 2024 Preliminary Budget will be available on April 6th on the Comptroller's website and the Budget website.

To learn more about Baltimore’s budget process, visit BBMR's website

To learn more about Taxpayers’ Night, visit the event page.


Pool video access will be provided by CharmTV. Due to the limited capacity, members of the media are asked to notify Geoff Shannon if you plan to attend in person. Accommodation will be made for a media overflow room if necessary.

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