Advisory: Comptroller Henry's Public Schedule February 14-18

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Wednesday, February 16th

9am: Board of Estimates Meeting

Comptroller Henry will participate in a virtual meeting of the Board of Estimates. Residents and members of the press can watch live on CharmTV’s cable channel (Channel 25/1085HD) and online at BOE replays can also be found at A full agenda can be found at the BOE event page. 

1pm: House Judiciary Committee Hearing on HB 703

The Comptroller will testify in support of House Bill 703, sponsored by Delegate Mary Lehman of Prince George’s County and crossfiled by Delegate Shelly Hettleman of Baltimore County.  This bill closes the loophole created by the Court of Appeals in its ruling in the Copycat Building case. Residents can watch proceedings at the Judicary Committee's Youtube page


Additions or changes to this schedule will be sent out as they occur, and will be posted to the Comptroller's website.

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