Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 3/2

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - The Board of Estimates agenda for the March 2nd meeting is now available. It can be found on the Comptroller's website under the Board of Estimates tab.

Items of note:

Page 8, F&P Retirement System, Subscription Agreement with StepStone VC Opportunities VII, LP. 

Pages 30-32, Item #11, Bureau of Procurement, Ratification and Term Order for Contract B50002151 for EMS Billing Services with Digitech Computer, Inc. The ratification adds $1,080,925.63 to the contract value.  According to the Board Memo, the addition in value is needed to pay for services provided after the contract expired on March 27, 2021 and “a new agreement being established.”

Pages 33-35, Item #13, Bureau of Procurement, Amendment to State of Maryland Cooperative Contract No. 050B8400001 for Statewide Foreign Language and Interpretation Service Category I—Telephonic Interpretation with Language Line Service, Inc.  The amendment adds $600,000 in value. 

Page 49, Office of the President, Consultant Agreement with CensusChannel, LLC to handle City Council and City Council President preparation for redistricting. Amount is $33,750.

Page 53, Law Department, Settlement Agreement & Release for Gregory Lucas v. Mayor & City Council.  Settlement amount is $253,000.  This is a serious personal injury case arising from an auto accident that occurred in 2017 when Mr. Lucas entered an intersection without stopping, because a stop sign had been knocked over and had not yet been replaced. 

Page 59, Department of Transportation, Salt Agreement. WJZ-TV has agreed to donate use of equipment and personnel necessary to clear snow from public roadways in the vicinity of Television Hill during adverse weather conditions. The City will in turn agree to sell WJZ-TV road salt from its inventory on an “as needed” basis at or about the City’s actual cost.

Pages 64-67, Department of Finance, Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement for Perkins 1 Apartments. 

Page 68, Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Donation Agreement, authorize acceptance of the donation of 1,000 personal laptop computers from Comcast of Baltimore City, L.L.C. (Donor).

Page 77, DPW, Recommendations for Contract Awards, Items #1 and 2, WC 1241R, Water Main Replacements in Aisquith Street and Old York Road Vicinity.  Recommended awardee is Monumental Paving & Excavating.  Contract value is $4,889,459.70.  A protest was received by Wright, Constable & Skeen, LLP representing Civil Construction, LLC.

Pages 77-78, DPW, Recommendations for Contract Awards, Items #3 and 4, WC 1285, Caroline Street & Vicinity Water Main Replacements. Recommended awardee is Civil Construction, LLC.  Contract value is $8,310,558.  A protest was received from Metra Industries.

Page 183, Department of Finance, Master Services Agreement between the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, acting by and through its Department of Finance and Paymentus Corporation. Amount is $96,760. A protest was received from Kutak Rock LLP representing ACI Payments, Inc.

Page 193, Recreation and Parks, Agreement between Sonje’ Productions and the Baltimore Civic Fund, Inc. for the 2022 AFRAM Festival. Amount is $176,125.

Baltimore Police Department

Page 84, Grant Award from Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention for a “Ballistics Panels” project.  Award amount is $52,500.

Pages 101-104, Items #19-22, Personnel Items.  There is a request to approve an employment contract and to adjust the salaries for the classifications of captain, major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel.

To attend the meeting:

Please note Baltimore City Hall is closed to the public. All Board of Estimates meetings will be conducted via remote video conference. Members of the public can call in via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2330 145 5436 or stream live at Charm TV's website.

Recordings of each BOE meeting can also be found on Charm TV’s website and Youtube channel.

To address the board:

Procedures for addressing the Board have changed. New rules for submitting Protests and Statements of Opposition are available at the Comptroller's Website. Protests (written challenges to the award of a bid) must be received by noon on Monday, February 28th. 

Members of the public can submit Statements of Opposition, which must be received by noon on Tuesday, March 1st. 

Protests and and Statements of Opposition must be submitted to, cc: or by mail or hand delivery to Attn: Clerk, Board of Estimates Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street. 

The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.


The Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of June and December. Please see the Comptroller’s website for a detailed BOE meeting schedule and associated submission deadlines.

Bid openings:

The Board has implemented changes to the bid opening process. Under temporary emergency procedures, Board Members will not meet for televised meetings to read the bids aloud as they are opened. Instead, paper bids will be opened, tabulated and certified by the Clerk of the Board of Estimates.

Bid tabulation sheets detailing bid proposals received will be publicly posted to the Comptroller’s website by close of business on the date of bid opening.

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