Recent News

Celebrating Small Successes

There is a lot of work in the Baltimore City Comptroller's Office that doesn't make headlines - but that doesn't make it any less exciting.

Release: Multiple Findings in Report on the Baltimore City Comcast Cable Franchise Agreement

Baltimore, MD – City Auditor Josh Pasch presented a report on the Baltimore City Cable Television Franchise agreement to the Board of Estimates on April 6, 2022.

Release: Board of Estimates Draft Agenda for 4/6

Baltimore, MD - A DRAFT Board of Estimates agenda for the April 6th BOE meeting is now available.

Release: Baltimore City Set to Sell Lake Clifton High School Property to Morgan State University

BALTIMORE – The Baltimore City Department of Real Estate has announced a new Land Disposition Agreement (LDA) with Morgan State University, which has agreed to purchase the former

Release: Comptroller Henry Releases 2022 Audit Plan

Baltimore, MD – Comptroller Bill Henry, in coordination with the Department of Audits and City Auditor Josh Pasch, has announced the 2022 Biennial Audit plan.

Release: Board of Estimates to Host Annual Taxpayers’ Night

Baltimore, MD – Baltimore City’s Board of Estimates (BOE) is inviting residents to learn more about the Mayor’s proposed budget at the annual Taxpayers’ Night.

Release: Comptroller's Testimony on HB73 Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School Programs – Funding

Comptroller Bill Henry submitted the below testimony for consideration during the Maryland Senate's Judicial Proceedings hearing scheduled for this afternoon.

Advisory: Comptroller Henry's Public Schedule March 27-April 1

Sunday, March 27tn

2pm: Maryland Greek Independence Day Parade

Advisory: Comptroller Henry's Public Schedule March 14-18

Monday, March 14th

7pm: Patterson Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 3/16

Baltimore, MD - The Board of Estimates agenda for the March 16th meeting is now available.
